3.5 — 25.6.22
Laboratoire Kontempo – Program Berlin
Developed in collaboration with Acud Macht Neu (Berlin), the Kinzonzi of Laboratoire Kontempo brings together artists and researchers from Kinshasa, Berlin and other places in an analog and digital transdisciplinary experimental space in order to question the structures of power and dominant trends in contemporary international art scenes.
In the framework of the project Miziki, musicians from Kinshasa and Berlin come together to seek musical connections through conversations and performances. The focus of the Miziki program is to create a space of gathering, substituting eurocentric categorizations of classical, popular and “world” music with an open encounter and exchange in musical knowledge, collaboration, artistic research and modes of listening together.
Kinzonzi Berlin

Kontempo: Contemporary Perspectives from Kinshasa
Roundtable with the artists. Introduction into the project and open discussion, moderated by Jean Kamba. The format is conceived as...

Speculative Spaces
Hopscotch Reading Room – Free admission – Start 7 pm Kurfürstenstraße 14/Haus B, 10785 Berlin, U-Kurfüstenstrasse On digital decentralization and...

05.05.2022, 07:00
Extended artistic strategies
Haus der Statistik: Werkstatt – Admission free – Start 7 p.m. Artist talk Prisca Tankwey, Paulvi Ngimbi The artists Prisca...

07.05.2022, 19:00
Colonial Traces in the urban space of Kinshasa and Berlin
Lecture by Jean Kamba Leopoldville Mourning: collective performance with Prisca Tankwey in public space. Malewa Laba – Congolese cuisine with...

10.05.2022, 20:00
Choreographies of the Everyday
There are different ways to describe the workings of a Megalopolis and the chosen metaphors highlight different aspects of city...

11.05.2022, 19:00
Miziki: Congolese Rumba
Historical paths and political functions of Congolese Rumba. Lecture and presentation by Romain Malwengo Kingenzi with following discussion Hopscotch Reading...

14.5 – 21.6.22 – ACUD Galerie – Exhibition
With: Sinzo Aanza, Jasmina Al-Qaisi & Ralf Wendt, Koko Kabamba, Jean Kamba, Billy Ngalamulume alias Kill Bill, Mukenge/Schellhammer, Rachel Nyangombe,...

13.5. – 11.06. – Haus der Statistik – Exhibition
Exhibition: Haus der Statistik – Haus A – May 14 – June 11 – Thursday till Sunday 2pm – 7pm...
Kunsthaus ACUD Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin (Mitte), U8-Rosenthaler Platz
Haus der Statistik Karl Marx Allee 1, 10178 Berlin (Mitte), U8-Alexanderplatz
Hopscotch Reading Room Kurfürstenstraße 14, 10785 Berlin (Mitte), U1 und U3-Kurfürstenstraße
Sinema Transtopia Haus der Statistik – Haus B, Otto-Braun-Strasse 72 (Mitte), U8-Alexanderplatz
Laboratoire Kontempo is a project founded by the Congolese/German duo Mukenge/Schellhammer in Kinshasa in 2019. The Kinzonzi is curated by Mukenge/Schellhammer.
With: Sinzo Aanza, Jasmina Al-Qaisi & Ralf Wendt, Miguel Buenrostro, Jérôme Chazeix, Koko Kabamba, Jean Kamba, Jean Malwengo Kingenzi, Cornelia & Holger Lund (Fluctuating Images), Billy Ngalamulume alias Kill Bill, Paulvi Ngimbi, Luiza Prado de O. Martins, Mukenge/Schellhammer, Prisca Tankwey, Gabriella Torres-Ferrer, Raul Walch, Orakle Ngoy, David Shongo, Wilfried Luzele aka Lova Lova, Huguette Tolinga, Alejandra Cardenas ‘Ale Hop‘, Laura Robles, Fulu Miziki, Moisés Horta Valenzuela ‘Hexorcismos’, Rachel Nyangombe, Houaïda, Nico Daleman, Romain Malwengo Kingenzi